A Brief History of Pleasant Hills
Pleasant Hills is a borough in Allegheny County and a suburb of Pittsburgh. Pleasant Hills was originally part of the province of Virginia. In 1788, Pleasant Hills became part of Allegheny County in 1788. The first land owner on record was a man named John Reed, Jr. and he named the area after himself, Reedsburg.
During the last quarter of the 18th century, most inhabitants were rye and corn crop farmers. Many of the grain grown on the farms was converted to whiskey. During the Whiskey Rebellion, farmers went against the government’s revenue collectors and set fire to their homes and robbing their mail. After the Whiskey Rebellion the area was at peace for 100 years. In 1929, the first plan for residential streets and homes was along Airport Rd. which is what we call Lebanon Church Rd. today. Suburbia in Pleasant Hills was born.
Facts about Pleasant Hills
As of the 2000 census, there were almost 8,500 people in Pleasant Hills. Approximately 30 percent of homes have children 18 and under living with them. Over 50 percent were married and the average house size was 2.42. Average family size is 2.96. The school district for Pleasant Hills, West Jefferson Hills, was ranked 50th out of 500 Pennsylvania school districts for academic achievement. The graduation rate is 96 percent.