A Brief History of Russellton
Russellton is a census-designated place in Allegheny County with a population of 1,440 as of the 2010 census. Russellton has an area of just 1.4 miles. It was originally named Russellton #1 and #2, after mines in the area. Russellton #1 was actually Grays Mill and its name changed in 1907. At one point, Bessemer and and Lake Erie Railroad housed employees at Rusellton. The early years of the depression had the same effect on Russellton as other mining towns. Unemployment, business failure and more plagued the town. Slowly, as the 1930s dawned Russellton began to rebuild and by the ’40s, it was the only retail center in West Deer Township.
Facts about Russellton
There are just 616 households in Russellton, and most are married couples. The average household size was 2.48 and the family size was 2.94. Those living in Russellton are fairly young, with the median age being 40. Average home prices as of 2016 were $182,852, making it an affordable place to live. The cost of living in Russellton is 94.4, which is a bit lower than the country as a whole.The most represented ancestry group in Russellton is German, followed by Polish and Italian. A lot of the houses in Russellton are duplexes that miners used to live in at the community’s beginnings.