Photo by Emmanuel Fine Art Photograhpy
For the past two years, we had a lot of fun thinking about if Pittsburghers wrote holiday songs, what would they be called? We started a tradition! Here is the third list of holiday songs with a Pittsburgh twist. We hope you enjoy a festive laugh or two!
1. “Baby It’s Babushka Weather Ahtside”
“Baby It’s Cold Outside,” don’t forget your babushka!
2. “The Jaggerbush and the Ivy” 
Watch aht or yinz could get a rash or pinched by them bushes!
3. “We Three Quarterbacks of Steelers Are”

Last year was the year of Ben, Mason and Duck, aka we three quarterbacks of Steelers are!
4. “Please Come Dahn Route 51 For Christmas”
It is always a bit dicey to travel Route 51 but yinz “Please Come Home for Christmas!”
5. “Have a Nebby, Hunky-Dory Christmas”
“Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas?” Nah, yinzers wish the nosy neighbor at Giant Eagle a nebby, hunky-dory Christmas.
6. “Let it Blizzarding, Let it Blizzarding, Let it Blizzarding”

If it means schools and businesses are closed, “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!”
7. “Git Inta Christmas”
We don’t “Step Into Christmas,” we “Git Inta” it!
8. “There’s No Place Like Blawnox for the Holidays”
There’s nothing more fun to say—or a more Pittsburghese-sounding neighborhood than Blawnox.
9. “Yinz are Mean Ones, Cleveland Brahns”
The Browns were mean enough this year to earn Grinch status.
10. “Up ‘er on the Hahsetahp”
If we spot Santa and his reindeer “Up on the Housetop” we say “up ‘er!”
12. “Bew-d-ful Christmastime”
In PIttsburgh we don’t have a “Wonderful Christmastime” we have a “Bew-d-ful” one!
13. “Construction Wonderland”
There always seems to be construction in Pittsburgh, no matter what season.
14. “Frosty that Jaggy Snowman”
Oh Frosty, you’re such a crazy snowman.
15. “Rudolph that Lahsy-Nosed Reindeer”
Deer in Pittsburgh are often a source of frustration in the city, so Rudolph earns lahsy (lousy) status!