7 Reasons Getting Through a Pittsburgh Winter Can Be Hard

We get it—Pittsburgh winters can be downright terrible. We put together some reasons why winters in this city are only for the strongest out there, us Pittsburghers! Just a few more weeks until spring, friends! Here’s 7 reasons a Pittsburgh Winter can be hard… well… really 6 and a couple cool pictures (pardon the pun)…

1. The frozen river looks pretty cool, until you remember why it’s frozen—the wind chill is currently -15.

Pittsburgh Winter
Photo by Elite Management Services Group, Inc.

2. You get excited not as many people are on the road, until you’re practically jolted through the roof of your car when you hit a pothole.

Pittsburgh Winter

3. You get excited about another snowfall, until you try to venture out and see absolutely nothing has been done to the roads.

Pittsburgh Winter

4. The Steelers’ season is over, Pirates are just well…we all know how that’s going and the Penguins are in that stressful in-between before the playoffs.

Pittsburgh Winter

5. Sledding is fun—until you have to do it in a car.

Pittsburgh Winter
Photo by Larry Roberts

6. You get excited when it’s randomly 70 degrees in January, then you remember there’s still February and March.

Pittsburgh Winter
AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

7. No matter how bad it gets, we wouldn’t have it any other way because of photos like this:

Pittsburgh Winter
Photo by @crashbandicoot412

and this:

Pittsburgh Winter
Photo by @deb_cara_lange

and this:

Pittsburgh Winter
Photo by @drone_division_

4 thoughts on “7 Reasons Getting Through a Pittsburgh Winter Can Be Hard”

  1. Great Article and Photos! As a former Pittsburgh native – I grew up in Homestead along the Mongahela River. I always enjoy returning to Pittsburgh even in the Winter.

  2. I spent most of my life in Pittsburgh. I thought I knew Winter until moving to Southern CO where winter and snow starts in Oct. & snows through May. Of course, the elevation of 8,500 feet has a whole lot to do with it to.

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