25 Ways You Grew Up in Pittsburgh

Scott Schubert/PghPoliceChief

There’s nothing like a Pittsburgh childhood. We are all connected by a few key adventures, places and stories. We put together a list of 25 ways you know you grew up in Pittsburgh. Happy reminiscing!

1. Your church clothes were a Steelers jersey.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

2. The phrase “Tony’s got it!” makes you both laugh and cringe.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

3. You have a whole drawer dedicated to Steelers, Pirates and Pens gear.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

4. Pop is what you drank at parties as a child, not soda.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

5. You trick-or-treated in pretty decent snowstorms.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh
Photo from Taylor Dahlin

6. You know what “Kennywood’s open” means.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

7. Your geography classes consisted of learning about the terrain of who the Steelers played that week.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh
Photo by Nicholas Tonelli

8. You insist fries do in fact belong on salads.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh
Photo from Barefoot in the Kitchen

9. You played by the “crick” as a kid.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

10. Colteryahn iced tea kept you cool all summer.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

11. Your first beer was an IC Light.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

12. The first day of Deer Hunting meant no school.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

13. You know hoagies are for lunch, not subs or heroes.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

14. You spent St. Patrick’s Days testing your limits.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh
White House/David Lienemann

15. Your first car’s license plate read: You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania.”

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

16. Parking chairs. That’s all we need to say.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh
Jasmine Goldbland Photography

17. You learned how to “tap the 57” in an Eat N’ Park.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

18. You’ll never forget the day you were old enough to remember what it was like to go through the Fort Pitt Tunnel.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

19. You were shown a movie based solely on the fact that it was filmed in Pittsburgh.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

20. Three words: Isaly’s skyscraper cone.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

21. Every celebration revolved around food. Seriously, there were certain bakeries and eateries for certain holidays only.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

22. You thought all weddings had cookies and were disappointed to find it not true when you grew up.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

23. Fridays were meant for fish.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

24. Weekends before you turned 21 were spent at Club Zoo.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

25. Your spelling bees were vicious, due to words like Monongahela and Youghiogheny.

Grew Up in Pittsburgh

10 thoughts on “25 Ways You Grew Up in Pittsburgh”

  1. Michelle harding-pitonyak

    The wedding cookies for sure. So disappointed to go to a wedding other than Italian or slovak.

    1. Nothing like a Slovak wedding,Slovak Christmas,Slovak funeral,Slovak New Year,Slovak Easter,etc,etc,etc.

  2. Barbara Kaulback

    I remember most of those things. It is heartwarming to see those familiar places and things. I now live in Lebanon Pa. I miss Pgh. but I have family living there and still get to come home. I like the pictures Rueben submitted of Point Park.

  3. My daughter got married about a year ago. We showed Florida how to have a wedding, cookies and all! Way under most wedding budgets and so many people said it was the best wedding reception they have ever been to!

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